Posts in category: Fleet Management

Pre-Trip Inspections for Safer, Smarter Fleet Management

pre-trip inspection + ELD Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) have transformed the transportation industry and equipment fleets by ensuring compliance with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations and providing real-time engine diagnostics. With the advent of predictive maintenance and AI, the rich data from ELDs stands to further improve the operational efficiency of equipment and vehicle ...Read More

Keys to Improving Fleet Management

fleet vehicle Fleet management is the most underappreciated skill in America today. This is despite the fact that over 8 million commercial vehicles help to keep the economy going and that inefficient fleets have the potential to cost companies billions. How can you ensure this vital skill is practiced well at your ...Read More

5 Ways to Boost Your Amazon Delivery Business

Amazon delivery service providers Operating a delivery-service fleet is an increasingly popular and profitable business venture. With the modern shift to online shopping, ‘last-mile’ delivery services are in big demand, so there’s never been a better opportunity to grow your own successful logistics company. Amazon promises its customers next-day delivery at a click. But ...Read More
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