Digitizing Amazon DSP Fleet Management: Why Long-Term Success Requires Long-Term Mentality
If there’s one thing decision-makers across all industries can agree on, it’s that the digitalization of systems and processes is one of the keys to securing a competitive advantage. In fact, a study by McKinsey revealed that 49 percent of leading companies invest more in digital than their counterparts, while 90 percent of lagging companies invest less in digital than their counterparts.
Despite the fact that virtually everyone understands the importance of digitalization, not everyone has embraced it to the same extent. Fleet management for Amazon Delivery Service Partners is one notable market that still largely relies on outdated, inefficient paper documents in day-to-day operations.
Why? Certainly not because there’s a shortage of cost-effective digital fleet management solutions. Instead, it’s because Amazon DSP fleet managers are often scared to abandon familiar processes in favor of improved efficiency, cost savings, and other benefits, not realizing that they begin immediately even though the road to them can be bumpy.
Digitalization Is Worth the Effort
There are many Amazon DSPs with fleets of vehicles to manage that have been relying on the same systems and processes for years. These Amazon DSPs are typically so comfortable with their daily routine that they don’t even think about it—let alone question it.
But just because something has been ‘working’ for a very long time doesn’t mean that it can’t work better. When it comes to fleet management, the benefits of digitalization extend across the board and address the following main challenges:
· Cost: All Amazon DSPs want their fleets of vehicles to be as cost-efficient as possible, but this goal can be achieved only when they have access to accurate, real-time data. Without it, they can’t base their decisions on objective facts, which forces them to rely on intuition instead.
· Time: It’s no secret that many fleet managers spend more time on routine tasks than they should. They fill out paper forms that don’t reflect the unique nature of each vehicle, make copies of them, and manually scan them for archiving purposes.
· Visibility: The maintenance of vehicles is an ongoing process that can be performed diligently only when fleet managers have visibility of their entire fleet so they can proactively schedule repairs and maintenance tasks to prevent costly breakages and reduce repair costs. Traditional paper inspection forms have the tendency to pile up on someone’s desk, which is the exact opposite of visibility.
To reap these and other benefits of digitalization, Amazon DSPs need a suitable alternative to paper documents and spreadsheets.
Modern Fleet Management Software Makes Digitalization Easy

In the past, digitalization was far from straightforward. The few software solutions that were available were not exactly user-friendly, and they rarely solved all issues fleet managers face on a daily basis, resulting in an inefficient mix of paper and digital systems and processes.
Fortunately, the next generation of fleet management software makes digitalization easy, and it can be set up in just a few minutes, instead of several days. Such software brings to the table exceptional ease of use, powerful features, real-time reporting, built-in instructions, and much more.
Driveroo fleet inspection software is a great example of a modern fleet software solution that is fully customized to meet the needs of each individual Amazon Delivery Service Partner without taking a long time to set up or being difficult to use.
Regardless of whether you manage five vehicles or 50, Driveroo can always match your existing paper processes and precisely digitize them so that you can be more productive, earn more money, and enjoy the visibility you need to keep your fleet healthy.
To help you maintain focus on your customers and the tasks that matter most to your business, Driveroo comes with a concierge service, called Roo. Because Driveroo integrates all your processes, reports, and features, Roo can answer your questions, load data, design and run custom reports, make adjustments to your configurations, and more – allowing you to focus on what you do best.
Amazon DSPs are working hand-in-hand with one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world, and they need to use modern technology to manage all fleet operations and access all the fleet data at one single place.
With fleet management software like Driveroo, you can effortlessly digitize existing processes and systems, reaping the numerous benefits of digitalization along the way.