Posts with tag: DVIR

Pre-Trip Inspections for Safer, Smarter Fleet Management

pre-trip inspection + ELD Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) have transformed the transportation industry and equipment fleets by ensuring compliance with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations and providing real-time engine diagnostics. With the advent of predictive maintenance and AI, the rich data from ELDs stands to further improve the operational efficiency of equipment and vehicle ...Read More

Avoid Fines and Vehicle Downtime

fleet manager Driveroo Maintains Compliance While Driving Greater Efficiency  Let’s face it:  Fleet management is complicated. In the increasingly on-demand world in which we live, time equals money. Even the slightest delay on the road or in the garage can create a serious competitive disadvantage.  With rapidly escalating demands for delivery and ...Read More

Drowning in Fleet Management Paperwork?

Fleet Management Paperwork Electronic Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (eDVIR) save time and money and while helping to build a better relationship with your customers If you drive a commercial or passenger-carrying vehicle, or if you manage a fleet, you are probably way too familiar with the  Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR). Drivers are ...Read More
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